Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Pen

So throughout the class of Com 435 we have talked about all of the different kinds of technologies that are coming through and helping us recently. I was thinking today about the pen. Pens are a crazy kind of technology that I bet no one really thinks about. We use them everyday for all kinds of tasks and there are very few people that would be able to make one. We have machines that make them. But, think about this, what would you use if we did not have something as simple as a pen? The lead of a pencil will fade as time goes on so that just does not work. A pen was invented and now has become such a staple in America that we do not even notice the impact it makes. We can make cars that will parallel park themselves and forget that back in the day, a pen had that same kind of feeling for those people. It makes life easier and I cannot wait to get older and see what other kinds of technologies will come about that will make our self parking cars seem normal and an every day kind of thing.

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